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Anavar 50mg (100 pillen)


50mg (100 pillen) of Oxandrolone (Anavar) Dragon Pharma

SKU: 720 Categorie: Tag: Product ID: 347


Oxandrolone (Anavar) is a synthetic anabolic steroid, it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. The effect of the drug is to achieve high-quality muscle mass. The substance has an oxygen atom in place with two carbon atoms in the 17-methyl position.

Oxandrolone is known in the Nederland under the trade names Anavar, Oxaver, Xanodrol, along with many others, each name of the drug depends on the manufacturer,  at current time we are interested in the development of the Anavar by Dragon Pharma. For the moment, it is very easy to buy Oxandrolone in the Nederland, in our store we offer to buy Oxandrolone at the lowest prices. 

Oxandrolone was first released by the Nederland in 1964, the development at that time was carried out by the company Searle Laboratories, the drug was named Anavar. For two decades, Anavar has not been very popular. On July 1, 1986, the Americans decided to stop the production of the drug. Fortunately, after some time, young pharmaceutical companies are restoring the production, but under different names. We have connections with the most popular medical laboratories, so if you decide to buy Oxandrolone from us, we will provide you with the very best choice.

Initially, the drug was created and intended for use in various cases of treatment: weight loss, anemia, in addition, the drug has approved itself well in the treatment of HIV-infected patients, was taken during Turner syndrome, well restores the skin after burns, strengthens bones and can promote physical growth in children. Soon after manifesting itself in medicine, Oxandrolone began to be very actively used in sport disciplines, more frequently in bodybuilding.

Action and effect

The anabolic index of Oxandrolone is very high compared to the androgenic activity, the use of Anavar leads only to positive results! The drug is one of the three safest anabolic steroids. This product cannot accumulate water in the tissues like methane or testosterone, it promotes a clean and steady muscle gain. The muscles remain rippling and firm. Anavar shows itself with great success in drying courses, it builds up dry mass well while burning fat, a big plus of the steroid is its ability to slightly suppress the appetite also, which can only be welcomed during a low-carb diet. It can burn fat in athletes with medium or low body fat levels. For user’s who have a great deal of body fat, there are more suitable substances than Anavar.

Oxandrolone is a favorite drug in preparation for competitions in bodybuilding and powerlifting, this is mainly due to the fact that Anavar contributes to a significant increase in muscle strength by stimulating the synthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle cells. Weightlifters and arm wrestlers often find Anavar for sale when they want to maintain their weight category, as it allows them to become stronger without increasing the weight of the athlete. With Oxandrolone, strength indicators can increase by 30-35%.

In addition to all of this, Anavar is the best choice for athletes who are going to pass doping test, since the detection time of the substance in the body is only 3 weeks.

Intake and dosage

Before buying Anavar, the user should carefully read this paragraph.

The total duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. The first week usually begins with 20mg per day, divided into two intakes, in the morning and in the evening (10/10). After a week, you need to increase the dose to 40mg daily, in the following weeks you can reach 80mg per day, but this is for experienced users who know their tolerance levels, while the female dosage, will be between 5-20mg daily dependent on experience and tolerance levels. 80mg is considered to be the maximum dosage of the drug for males and 20mg is the maximum dosage for females.

Two days before stopping the intake of Anavar, start taking tamoxifen at a dose of 10mg per day and then take tamoxifen at 20mg for 1-2 weeks to restore the natural level of testosterone.

For maximum effectiveness of the course, you should follow a good and solid diet.

Oxandrolone intake for women

Women whose body is relatively sensitive to anabolic steroids can take Oxandrolone without fear as stated above. But for taking Anavar, a woman should not exceed the duration of 4 week cycles, excessive dosages or durations or the cycle, can cause side effects such as voice deepening and clitorism. A bundle with Primobolan and Clenbuterol will serve as a good combination steroid cycle for female athletes, such a course does not entail the consequences of virilization.

Combination with other anabolic steroids

Despite the fact that Oxandrolone from Dragon Pharma does not give significant muscle growth, it can significantly enhance the effect of many steroids on the body.

The combination of Anavar with Nandrolone and Testosterone Enanthate gives a very strong increase in muscle mass and strength. Deca-Durabolin has a powerful anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis, Testosterone gives the athlete aggression during training, accelerates regeneration and strengthens the growth of muscle mass and Oxandrolone increases muscle strength and density, providing good synergy between anabolic steroids in the cycle.

If you are preparing for competitions or want your muscles to be more beautiful and of better quality, Anavar can be successfully combined with Winstrol, Trenbolone Acetate, Masteron, Primobolan and Testosterone Propionate.

For example: the combination of 50mg of Stanozolol every day, 50mg of Testosterone Propionate every two days and 25mg of Oxandrolone every day is a very effective and will provide you with very good results.

Side effects

Oxandrolone in reasonable doses does not cause any side effects. This is one of the few steroids that does not affect the work of the pineal gland and does not stop linear growth and physical development in children.

The drug is not toxic to the liver at 20mg per day of under. Studies have shown that taking 20mg per day even for 12 weeks does not affect the level of liver enzymes (indicators of liver damage).

Anavar suppresses the level of testosterone by about 65%. Symptoms are expressed with a decrease in libido. You can eliminate this effect by adding Pregnyl and use Testosterone as your base steroid within the course.

Based on the individual characteristics of the body, the drug can cause loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, increased blood pressure, but in general, the side effects of Anavar are very rare.


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